TEACHOUT Forskningsartikler

TEACHOUT TrygFondens udeskoleprojekt undersøgte styrker og svagheder ved at praktisere udeskole (undervisning uden for klasseværelset) i forhold til almindelig undervisning (hovedsageligt praktiseret på skolerne i klasselokaler) under rammerne af den nye skole reform.
TEACHOUT blev gennemført fra 2013 - 2017. Her følger en samling af videnskabelige artikler om udeskole, som blev udgivet i forskellige tidsskrifter i løbet af projektet. Se også en folder, som samler de vigtigste resultater i kortform. TEACHOUT følges op af forskningsprojektet MOVEOUT.
Alle resultater samlet i antologi
Alle TEACHOUT studiets resultater er samlet på dansk i antologien TEACHOUT - projektets resultater (2020), som blev udgivet på Forlaget Frydenlund i 2020 med Erik Mygind som redaktør. Få et overblik over ny forskning i udeskole på 9 kapitler. 231 sider. Bogen koster. 330 kr.
Videnskabelige artikler
Her finder du en oversigt over TEACHOUT projektets videnskabelige artikler med refencer og link.
Lærerrollen i udeskole
Increased provision of udeskole in Danish schools: an updated national population survey. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 20(1), 277-281. Barfod, K., Ejbye-Ernst, N., Mygind, L. & Bentsen, P. (2016).
Potentials in Udeskole: Inquiry-Based Teaching Outside the Classroom. Frontiers in Education, 3. Barfod, K. S., & Daugbjerg, P. (2018).
Maintaining mastery but feeling professionally isolated: experienced teachers’ perceptions of teaching outside the classroom. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1–13. Barfod, K. S. (2017).
Udeskole og betydning for motivation og trivsel
Education outside the classroom and pupils’ social relations? A one-year quasi-experiment. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 29-41. Bølling, M., Pfister, G. U., Mygind, E., & Nielsen, G. (2019).
Association of Education Outside the Classroom and Pupils' Psychosocial Well‐Being: Results From a School Year Implementation. Journal of school health, 89 (3), 210-218. Bølling, M., Niclasen, J., Bentsen, P., & Nielsen, G. (2019).
Association of Education Outside the Classroom and Pupils’ Psychosocial Well-being: Results from a School Year Implementation. Journal of School Health. Bølling, M., Niclasen, J., Bentsen, P., & Nielsen, G. (2019).
The association between education outside the classroom and students’ school motivation: Results from a one-school-year quasi-experiment. International Journal of Educational Research, 89, 2235. Bølling, M., Otte, C. R.1, Elsborg, P., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2018).
Elevers oplevelse med udeskoleforløb
Swings and roundabouts? Pupils’ experiences of social and academic well-being in education outside the classroom. Education 3-13, 0(0), 1–16. Jørring, A.H., Bølling, M., Nielsen, G., Stevenson, M.P., & Bentsen, P. (2019).
Lærernes erfaring med udeskole
Primary teachers’ experiences with weekly education outside the classroom during a year. Education 3-13, International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. Mygind, E., Bølling, M., & Barfod, K. (2018).
TEACHOUT projektets design og mulig påvirkning af stress og kognitive evner
Stress Response and Cognitive Performance Modulation in Classroom versus Natural Environments: A Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study with Children. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, 1098. Mygind, L.; Stevenson, M.P.; Liebst, L.S.; Konvalinka, I.; Bentsen, P. (2018)
A quasi-experimental cross-disciplinary evaluation of the impacts of Education Outside the Classroom on pupils’ physical activity, well-being and learning: the TEACHOUT study protocol. BMC Public Health, 16, 1117. Nielsen, G., Mygind, E., Bølling, M., Otte, C.R., Schneller, M.B., Ejbye-Ernst, N., Schipperijn, J., & Bentsen, P. (2016).
Elevers læring i dansk og matematik i udeskole
Education outside the classroom increases children's reading performance: Results from a one-year quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 42-51. Otte, C. R., Bølling, M., Stevenson, M. P., Ejbye-Ernst, N., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2019).
Teaching maths outside the classroom: does it make a difference? Educational Research, 61 (1), 38-52. Otte, C. R., Bølling, M., Elsborg, P., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2019)
Elevers fysiske aktivitet I udeskole
Measuring Children's Physical Activity: Compliance Using Skin-taped Accelerometers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(6), 1261-1269. Schneller, M.B., Bentsen, P., Nielsen, G., Brønd, J.C., Ried-Larsen, M., Mygind, E., & Schipperijn, J. (2017).
Are children participating in a quasi-experimental education outside the classroom intervention more physically active? BMC Public Health, 17(1), 523. Schneller, M.B., Duncan, S., Schipperijn, J., Nielsen, G., & Mygind, E., & Bentsen, P. (2017).
Children’s physical activity during a segmented school week: results from a quasi-experimental education outside the classroom intervention. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), 80. Schneller, M.B., Schipperijn, J., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2017).